Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Now that I am in Kindergarten, I want to...

All of the Kindergarten students were asked what they want to do now that the long wait is over and they are finally in Kindergarten! Here are the responses:

Go outside to play
Play in gym
Eat lunch
Play inside
Play tag with friends
Play on the tire swing
Eat snacks
Go to the gym
Play chasing games
Have carpet time
Play lego
Play at the playground
Make new friends
Make crafts
Invent something
Read books
Go on a nature hunt
Go on field trips
Make boats
Play with my friends
Do a maze with my body to walk through

Most popular answers:
1.    Play
2.  Eat (lunch/snack)

3.  Go outside

We are going to have so much fun with this group!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Reminder: Water Bottles and Containers

Please send your child with water to drink instead of juice. Students are encouraged to keep a water bottle at school so that they always have something to drink. Please do not send juice with your child, as they frequently cause sticky messes! 

Sending lunch containers that are easy for your child to open on their own encourages independence, which is one of our main goals in Kindergarten. If you are not sure if you're child can open/close something that you would like to send, try it out at home first (i.e. those fruit cup containers are nearly impossible to open without spilling!)

Thank you!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Welcome to Kindergarten!!

We are very excited to be sharing our days with the new group of Kindergarten students! We were amazed this last week at how well they transitioned into school and routines. We saw a lot of new friendships being formed, and TONS of smiles! Please be sure to check back often for new postings, or better yet, type your email address under the link on the right side "Follow Via Email" and the postings will go straight to your email. Thanks!