Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Kindergarten Memories

During a discussion about items being taken home at the end of the year, someone asked who would take our calendar home. I knew that students enjoyed drawing pictures to reflect what we did each day, and loved looking back to see what we had done in previous months. However, it wasn't until this moment, when a few children looked horrified at the realization that they might not be the recipient of our beloved calendar, that I really understood the significance of these pieces of paper. These pages document so many 'firsts' for them, as well as many happy memories. There is joy, wonder, adventure, friendship, and growth that fill these pages. They document the collaborative energy and experiences this group had throughout the school year. I took a picture of each calendar page on our last day at school and promised the kids that I would share them in a way that would allow everyone to have a copy. If you wish, simply right click on these pictures and save them to your computer. This goes for all of the other pictures from this year as well, of course! I encourage you to save any pictures you wish to keep. 

This will be the final post for this year, so feel free to 'unsubscribe' to the post updates to avoid receiving them again in September. 

Thank you again for all of your support this year!

The portraits of (nearly) grade 1's!

Thank You!

We had a wonderful last couple of days together, wrapping things up at school on Tuesday with an 'ice cream clown' making party, followed by a story and a sharing circle by our beloved Learning Tree. This has been an incredible year, and I feel so privileged to have had the opportunity to share my days with such an enthusiastic, curious, and caring group of individuals. Thank you to all of the families for your support throughout the year! I hope you all have a wonderful summer, and I look forward to seeing you again in September!

Friday, June 24, 2016

The fun continues!

On Monday, we really enjoyed experimenting with water this week! Ask your child about their favourite station.

On Tuesday, we celebrated Aboriginal Education by making bannock, spending time in our fairy garden, participating in a powerful gratitude circle, and dancing to drumming with Mrs. Keiver's ribbons. 

On Thursday, the grade 6/7 class from McKim brought the amazing Geodome they created to our school! We loved touring the inside of it with our knowledgeable tour guides. Ask your child to tell you everything they learned about this incredible structure!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Wonder Workers

We have had so much fun experimenting, questioning, wondering, and searching for solutions!

Ask your child about... 

Our helicopters!
Questions to ask: What did you use? What were you trying to do? What was your goal? What did you try? What worked? What happened with other helicopters? What did you find out?

The activities our 'teachers' did with us this last week!
Questions to ask: What books did you read? What stations and art activities did they set up for you? What were your favourite experiments from the Science World show? What did you try in the classroom after the Science World show?


 Our House for a Mouse Challenge!
Questions to ask: What was your challenge? Who did you work with? How did you compromise to create a house you all agreed on? What did you use to build your house? What extra supplies did you ask for? What inspired you about the houses your classmates built?

Working in different spaces!
Questions to ask: What did you work on in these spaces? How do you feel working in these spaces?