We had our 22nd student join our class today, marking our class as FULL! We celebrated with an outdoor adventure, as students were very excited to show him our adventure packs and a few of our special places. As they filled him in about our class and the many activities they have enjoyed this year, I was struck with just how much this class has learned and how cohesive they have become as a group! We were able to go a fair distance from the school and take part in a listening walk, moving quietly and listening to all of the sounds around us. We came across a new special spot, and immediately embraced some time for a precious mindful moment in nature. Some students drew pictures as they sat, while others just took in their surroundings. Of course, there were lots of movement opportunities too, as we ran up and down the hills and explored our new "beaver dam/spaceship"!
Ask your child to tell you all about our newest classmate!