The Gingerbread Man story has been a highlight for our class over these last two weeks. We read the story, acted it out, played with the felt board story, built gingerbread man traps outside, and even baked gingerbread cookies! Ask your child to retell the story.
We had so much fun during our last music class of 2016! We are so thankful for Miss Lizzy and the amazing musical experience she is providing for us! Ask your child about the interesting instruments she brought to show us!
We had two new Dynamiters join us for a story early this week! It was so much fun to listen to a story they read, and then do a gingerbread activity with them!
The freezing weather has kept us from long outdoor explorations, but we had a lot of fun hunting for interesting branches and berries. We also loved how the frost made everything glisten in the sun, and how the trees provided a frosty tunnel for us to travel inside of!
We have just finished learning all of the letters and sounds of the alphabet! We have loved our "Magic Bags" and are already brainstorming what we might find in the bags of 2017! We are very excited to use our knowledge of letter sounds in our writing now too.
We have been working on a number of CUTE holiday projects, and will be sending these home in the next couple of days. We have also loved practising and performing for our Christmas Concert, and really appreciate having so many family members come to watch the performance. There will be lots of excitement with our shopping spree and PJ day over the next two days!