We ended our week last week with another fabulous mystery reader. The kids had so much fun trying to guess who it might be based on the clues provided! Thank you, Tanya, for joining us with such a great book!
We also ventured over to the fairy garden with Mrs. Strachan-Garrells class. We have been learning about maps, so we decided this was a great spot to practise our map making skills! We also tested our ability to pay attention to our surroundings with an 'UNnature trail'. Ask your child what they found along the trail!
This class is forever coming up with innovative, creative art projects that keep us on our toes! Thank you, Connor, for your great idea about creating turtle masks!
We brought the bench out to our garden- talk about teamwork! We also spent some time checking out the amazing fairy garden and wondering where the fairies might be.
After finding a bee in the classroom last week, there has been a LOT of talk about this bee and where he might have gone after leaving our classroom. These discussions led us to emailing a 'critter expert', completing a detailed directed draw, and producing some incredible writing. Click on the pictures below to enlarge them!
We had our first of two Spring visits to the Community Garden today. Students loved exploring, digging, watering, planting, eating, picking, and searching for bugs! A BIG thank you goes out to Dirk for meeting us in the garden and providing such a rich learning experience today!