We had another great day at Garden View Village! After our snack, we noticed in the Golden Room that there were stockings, bows, and wreaths on the walls and presents on the piano and under the tree. One of the care aids was there and he said it might be better to look for Santas rather than wreaths. We were in four groups already, so each group counted one of the different types of decorations with the help of their adult helper. We stopped to take another look at Thelma's doorway and started our counting from there by touring the second floor hallway then went down to the main floor.
While we were downstairs, we stopped to chat with the residents having their morning coffee and we sang our Forest Animal Holiday Party song from the winter play. They gave us a loud round of applause!
We continued on with our hunt for more decorations. In total we found: 27 santas, 57 bows, 44 presents and 7 (or maybe 8) stockings. It's a good thing we had Peggy, Shelly and Denise to help us count! I think the stocking group had it easy!
After Denise read a story to the group, we started the craft to make ornaments from manila tag.
Thelma and Marg joined our group again and checked out our ornament craft.
The ornaments are decorating the trees in Ms. Scott's room, but they will go home on Friday. We will resume our Garden View visits in the New Year!