Please think of us!! We know that your houses fill up with lots of new toys and games at this time of year, so if you are clearing out things that your child does not play with anymore, please let us know!If you do have anything to donate to the classroom, please make sure your child is aware of what you are giving us! :) We just had a bunch of puzzles donated to us, which was what made us think to ask!
We are especially interested in:
-small cars (hot wheels, etc)
-barbies/small dolls
-lego, small blocks
-felt board pieces
-recycled/craft supplies (incl. stencils, playdough cutters, paper plates, writing paper, stickers)
-simple small group/board games (i.e. connect 4, UNO, snakes and ladders)
-books in good condition (easy readers and 'read aloud' books)
-CDs (ones that still play and ones that don't!)
If you have something else to donate and aren't sure if we could use it, just ask! Most likely, the answer will be YES :)