Monday, October 28, 2013

Take Me Outside Day!

On Thursday, October 24, the staff and students at Marysville Elementary School thoroughly enjoyed a "Take Me Outside" activity day. Students travelled through a series of 8 stations across the school grounds, participating in various outdoor activities. Activities included fort building, water artistry, digging in the garden, pinecone games, sound hunting, investigating a hoop of land, creating pine needle brooms (Thanks again for the idea, Kerry!) and snacking on dried apples (prepared by the Kindergarten classes!). Despite the damp, chilly weather, the kids spent the morning laughing and playing happily outside with their peers. We had some fabulous parent/grandparent volunteers, which made the day even more special. This morning of outdoor activity was our response to the national Take Me Outside challenge, an initiative to get children outside and connected with nature. For more information on the challenge, visit .