Sunday, November 17, 2013

Snow, Skating, and Sorting!

My apologies for not posting these pictures sooner- my course work has been especially heavy these past two weeks, so I am just catching up now!
On November 4th, we had a wonderful first real snow day at school! We took advantage of the fresh new snow and had a great time exploring!

We experienced a wonderful "mindful moment" outside, where we all found our own place in the field to sit or lie down. We used this time to enjoy a few quiet moments in the day (we sat/lied down for almost 10 minutes!), and listened to the sounds around us. When we came together to reflect upon the experience, students seemed to really enjoy it and were hopeful that we could do this more often!

We have been having a great time skating at Marysville Arena! Our teachers and the helpful parents have been amazed with our growth! Thank you again to all the parents who have taken time from their Thursday to help us both on and off the ice!










We have been working hard on sorting and comparing all kinds of things! In the pictures below, we were working on sorting bears and some other little creature (some thought it was a fox, others thought it was a cat). We have been playing a game, "Guess My Rule", where students guess the rule that the teacher used to sort the manipulatives. We have also begun creating our own sorting rules and asking our friends why we sorted the items the way we did. This is an easy game that can be played at home too! The more practise, the better! Ask your child to tell you what the sorting rule was that each child used in these pictures!