The Kindergarten students have been very interested in exploring number concepts. Many small groups of students have experimented with writing numbers, counting objects, playing games with our Power of Ten cards, and finding various ways to "make" a number with found objects. These pictures tell the story of some of our exploring!
Exploring with our hands using the projector...
Using our bodies to create numbers...
Finding a specific number of objects in nature...
Finding a number of objects around our classroom and describing the different processes for finding these objects. With these objects, we experimented with "showing" different numbers (i.e. show me 4), and the process involved in getting from one number to another (i.e. now show me 2. How did you do that?). We also learned that everyone found different items and had different ways to represent a specific number.
During our outdoor explorations, some students were keen to count (i.e. 1 twirly slide, 2 monkey bars, 4 teeter totters, etc) and create numbers.
We also used this exploration time to create our own number books, showcasing numbers 0-10 written as a numeral and as a word. Students also represented these numbers in a variety of other ways, including tallies, pictures, and shapes. One of the favourite discoveries during this time was identifying whose name would go on each page, based on the number of letters in their name. We will put these books together this week and students will keep them in their Reading Folders.
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