Monday, January 26, 2015

Practising Mindfulness

We just completed three morning lessons on Mindfulness with Kelly Comishin. It was wonderful having her in to guide the children through a series of mindfulness lessons. During the first lesson, we focused on "awareness of breath". Kelly read Mouse Was Mad, and we practised ocean breathing and starfish breath. During the second lesson, we focused on "awareness of body", where we investigated what our bodies look like and feel like when we are upset. We practised breathing with stuffed animals and feathers on our belly. We also did a fun "carrot stick/noodle" activity, demonstrating the different way our body might feel when stressed and relaxed. During the third session, we focused on "awareness of mind". Kelly gave us feathers to use as focal objects and we practised counting breath. We were encouraged to be present in our thoughts. We did some singing as well, and finished off with this song:
So long, farewell,
Our mindfulness is over.
We breathed a bit, and talked a bit, and now it’s time to practise it!
Thank you Kelly for joining us!