Friday, October 30, 2015

Happy Halloween!

We had so much fun celebrating Halloween today! The kids moved through stations in their buddy reader groups all morning, and then enjoyed their first pizza day! We had a little celebration in the afternoon as well, complete with some treats, a visit to the grade 3's Halloween Howl in the gym, and a mini dance party to finish off the day! 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

First visit to the old school house!

We decided to venture into the old school house today, since we have been given the task of creating a quilt square related to this historical building. As this was my first time in the building as well, it was so much fun to explore together! 

The kids couldn't believe that the one room is all that they used to have, and that all the grades were taught in the same room. We had a great discussion about artifacts from this time that would have been found in the classroom- the ink, paddle, strap, books, maps, chalk boards, dunce cap. The kids were especially interested in the spot on the desks for the ink, and enjoyed passing around an ink bottle and pen. 

Before leaving, the kids insisted we "play school" and had me sit in the desk at the front of the room. We talked about how children used to answer questions by standing up beside their desks when they were called upon, and they really enjoyed playing this out! We also had a few other guest teachers!

Mystery Readers!

We had double Mystery Readers today! We had some great clues from Ziggy's mom, who brought in an amazing felt board story! All eyes were GLUED on the story!

Last week, I had also had a request from a group of grade one girls asking if they could be Mystery Readers. I told them that if they brought me clues and practised reading a book many times at home, they could definitely come in. Isla had her clues to me within the hour, and her enthusiasm continued to ooze out of her during today's ready of "I Ain't Gonna Paint No More". She taught us how to sing the story, and reviewed the book a couple of times. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Take Me Outside Day 2015

We had an amazing time celebrating Take Me Outside Day today! The idea behind this day is to get kids outside for at least one hour, and this group of K's did three hours! We enjoyed creating fairy homes with all of the other kids in our school. The creativity was amazing, as was the teamwork! 

Mrs. Hammond captured a picture of everyone enjoying this wonderful day!

Our class then set off for our latest discovery- the mud hill! I SO appreciate parents understanding that kindergarten=messy and that idea I talked about at the beginning of the year- "dressing for success in Kindergarten". Pictures only do so much in terms of capturing the joy emanating from these kids as they ran (and rolled!) down the hill!

In the afternoon, we decided to bring our journals outside too! Well, after a little jump in the leaves, of course!

Mrs. Hammond also put together a great photo video of the pictures she took today. You can check it out at: Take Me Outside Day 2015