Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Iskwew Performance

Written with the Blue Group:
We got to go on stage- Jaia
I liked going on stage- Kate
They were different languaged people. We learned that "hiy hiy" means "thank you" - Griffin
They were very nice- Katy
I had fun going on the stage- Georges
I learned that some of the drums in their country are made out of animal skin- Isla
(They live in Canada. Two of them lived in Vancouver and one of them lives in Saskatoon.)
The rattle was made of turtle shell- Isaac Y
The drum was made of buffalo skin and they eat the inside of the buffalo too- Georges
I think they are Metis- Isaac Y
I liked looking at and hearing the music and clapping for them- Nova
They were very good singers- Jaia
I liked going on stage- Jaxson
They were great singers- Griffin
I think they make everything out of animal skin- Isaac Y
I also learned that where they live, there's a man who would come around and wake them up in their teepees by singing -Isla
I liked their names- Krystle and Sandy -Aylan
They also were loud- Katy
I liked watching them- Georges
I liked when they were all singing together with the kids- Claire
I learned that before than men went out to kill the big animals, all the women had a big celebration-Griffin
They sung in different languages- Isla
I liked when I was clapping- Aylan
It made a really cool beat when everyone was clapping- Isla
I liked when Isaac Y was watching me (on the stage)- Nova
I liked Krystle when she danced (fancy shawl dancing)- Shaylyn
One of them said there is a type of place where anyone can go dancing there. -Isla
That's called a pow wow - Erin/Jaxson
I learned that when you go all around the world you find different people and they speak different ways- Alexis
They dressed in furs and all different colours- Alexis
Their clothing was made out of skin. Maybe deer skin.- Griffin
One was a wedding song- Kate
I think one of the songs was for a ball- Isla
One of the songs was a water one, waves- Nova
You have to ask permission to sing their songs- Isla
It's not nice to just sing their song, you might not remember them right- Katy
Their clothes were wavy. There was strips of material cut in parts of their clothes- Isla
Some of them were pattern songs- Griffin
(They repeat four times in their song because there are four seasons, directions, elements, and races.)
The words we used to describe how the music made us feel: happy, awesome, dancey, made everyone clappy, lovely.
We did our own fancy shawl dancing when we got back to school.
Hiy hiy Iskwew performers!