Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Support Marysville Arena

We have received notice that on February 11, 2014, the City of Kimberley will make a major decision regarding the Marysville Arena. The City is looking at shutting Marysville Arena down next season. The Kimberley Minor Hockey has written the city a letter regarding this issue and we really encourage all of you to do the same. Please consider what this would mean for our skating program with our proximity to this skating rink. Please send an email to the Mayor and each council member before Feb 11 about how this decision will affect our kids and families in the community and let's make sure that this does not happen. You can find all of the email addresses on the City of Kimberley website www.kimberley.ca and click on Mayor and Council who are they? On the home page

Thank you for your support,
Natasha and Crystal