Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Garden View Village Visit (Blue Group)

We were so excited to see Dianne waiting to greet us again at Garden View Village. She has had appointments that have conflicted with our last 3 visits, and it was clear that she missed us dearly! We have been learning a lot about seeds, plants and gardening at school and decided to do a few related activities at Garden View Village today. After we finished our snack, we read a story about the life cycle of a sunflower, where we were able to showcase all that we have learned about how plants grow! We then did a directed colouring activity where the students had to follow oral directions indicating where to put various items in the garden. They all did a great job! We brought these art pieces downstairs to show our senior friends, who were so excited to see us! The students are getting so good at greeting their senior friends and asking how they are. Once we were situated around the table, we sprung another art project on our senior friends- they joined the Kindergarten students in drawing flowers on paper the students had painted with watercolours. It was amazing to see the talent in our senior friends and to see the growth in the students’ abilities. Some students chose to give their directed colouring activity to their senior friend and others decided to bring it home. After saying thank you and goodbye downstairs, we went back upstairs to play Face Off with our Power of Ten cards. Our special helper, Evyn, did a lovely job teaching Dianne how to play, and Lane did a great job teaching his mom. All of the other students played really well together too! A special thank you to Kim for coming out to help us today, we love when parents join us! My apologies, it was too busy to get any pictures today! However, you will have a chance to see the flower pictures soon… (stay tuned!!)