Saturday, November 1, 2014

Enhancing Fine Motor Development at Home

At the beginning of the school year, we spend a great deal of time working on fine motor skill  development. We do many activities using a variety of materials, including pom poms, tongs, clothes pins, egg cartons, scissors, beads, pipe cleaners, cups, string, etc. These are skills that all Kindergarten students can be practising at home as well! After discussing fine motor skill development with a number of families during our interviews a couple weeks ago, we decided to post some ideas here. We have found a lot of great websites with lists of awesome fine motor skill activities, many of which can be done with items found around the home or purchased at the dollar store. If you feel like your child could use some extra practise at home, please check out the following websites or ask us for more suggestions! 

Thank you for your support!