Thursday, November 6, 2014

Mystery Reader Surprise!

We had such a special Mystery Reader surprise today! Based on the clues (man, almost hairless, spends a lot of time at city hall and is related to two people in the class), we guessed that it was Aylan and Max's grandpa, Ron McRae!
opening the door for our special guest!

We had a lot of questions and comments for Mr. McRae ("Do you get to make up all of the rules?", "Are you the principal of Mrs. Bancks?", "Are you in charge of the whole city?"and my personal favourite, "My mom votes for you!").

Mr. McRae read an awesome book that made us laugh so much!

At the end of our visit, he invited us all up to have a field trip to City Hall, and told us that we will even have a chance to sit in the Mayor's chair! We are already thinking about a field trip plan :) Thank you for the visit, Mr. McRae. We can't wait to see who our next Mystery Reader will be!