Friday, September 18, 2015

Treasure boxes and Terry Fox Run!

The Kindergarten students did an amazing job working on their Treasure Boxes today! I was amazed at how calm the room felt while all of this creativity was going on. Please use these boxes to save "memories" coming home over the year. We thought about using sparkles, and then thought better of it... you're welcome ;) 

We also did our Terry Fox run today. We learned about Terry's life and his Marathon of Hope - ask your child about it! Our school raised over $500 for this great fundraiser, and one of our K students was the lucky winner of the Terry Fox draw! All of the kids did an awesome job running in support today!

I cannot really express how amazing this week has been. All of the kids have meshed so well, and we seem to have already built a great classroom community. I have raved about my days to anyone who will listen, and I certainly have all of you parents to thank for your support! I am so excited about starting full days on Monday- we have felt like the days are not nearly long enough to get through everything we want to do each day! As a reminder though, your child will most likely be more tired this next week... be patient, this will pass :)

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