Thursday, May 5, 2016

Starting May is a special way!

We loved visiting the grade 2's and their chicks last week! We read chick books and learned about how they grow.

Students also enjoyed our second Genius Hour session, working with a grade 3 partner on researching topics that they chose together. The collaboration was really neat to see!

The kids have had so many comments about how beautiful our special Learning Tree is right now. They have connected with this tree in such a meaningful way this year, and have really connected with it as it changed through the seasons.

We enjoyed a cultural performance by Axis Theatre on Tuesday. Ask your child about the Pied Piper story and about their favourite characters/songs, and and about the problem/solutions that came up in the story.

We had a very special guest join us on Wednesday. Barry, or "Gramps" to Rylee, came in to share about his experiences working in the Cominco Mine. When we brainstormed topics we wanted to know more about for our We Are Kimberley project, we came up with a lot of questions about the mine. We all learned so much about the zinc, lead and ore (oh and gold, based on the questions from the kids, I really can't forget about the gold!) found there. Barry did an amazing job of describing what the mine looked like, how miners dressed and the jobs people had that worked for the mine. He showed pictures to help children visualize and connect to the topic, drew a picture to illustrate the tunnel system underground, and he even brought a drill bit used in the mine. Students had lots of great questions, and have already been playing 'mine' since our visit. Ask your child what they learned from Barry. A big thank you to Barry and Christine for taking time for this informative visit!

We went for a community walk with the other K class as well, and made sure we checked in on the progress of the 'hole' we saw a few weeks ago. We are so excited to follow the progress of this house being built in Marysville!

We love our Mrs. Keiver. She just brings the best energy to her time with us, and we have so much fun when she comes to read us a story. Today's story was read under our special tree, and it turned out to be a beautiful song story that we can continue to sing to our plants over the next few months to help them grow! Of course, with any outdoor activity comes bug exploration, which we have done a lot of this week too! Ask your child about the cool bugs we have found this week!

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