Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Returning to Garden View!

The blue group was very excited about returning to Garden View Village today! When we got there, Dianne was waiting at the door for us, along with Helen. Dianne told us how much she missed us, and showed off that she was using a walker now instead of a wheel chair (she still beats us everywhere we go though!). We had our snack with Dianne and Thelma and told them all about our spring break! After our snack, we read a story about spring and continued our discussion that we’ve been having this week about seasonal changes. We completed our own five senses charts related to spring and Mrs. Burgess was really impressed with all of the great ideas we came up with! Ask your child to describe each picture and see if they can remember any of the other ideas kids had. We then went downstairs and visited with a whole bunch of our senior friends. It is so rewarding to see the smiles around the table when we come down to visit! We showed them our spring charts and talked about our spring break. We then asked if it was ok to trace their hands for an art project we have planned. All of the kids did a great job tracing and we are very excited to see what the final products will look like (stay tuned!).