Thursday, February 26, 2015

Celebrating the 100th Day of School!

We had SUCH a blast celebrating our 100th day of school today! 
Granny twins and our other old friends

They just looked so cute!

Fancy old men

Too bad there isn't audio with pictures... these two were trying out their "100 year old voices", which were great!

Mrs. Bancks is going to stay fancy when she's 100!

Old man twins and the old guy who gets into all the pictures :)

Just adjusting our glasses

Another one that will remain fancy until she's 100

Even 100 year olds need to go outside for some fresh air

Visiting a couple 100 year old friends in grade 1

The blue group had fun making 100s day crowns and portraits. The red group had fun making 100s day fruit loop necklaces and flipping coins 100 times. They also made portraits of themselves and wrote one thing they want to before they are 100. 
My personal favourite: "pack up and move into Gardenview"

The teachers looked very convincing, and were told by a few people that they should consider retirement. 

What a fun way to celebrate 100 days of Kindergarten!