Sunday, February 15, 2015

Fun with Valentine's

We have been focused on Valentine's Day for weeks now! We created Valentine cards and coupons for our parents, and then chose the most slippery, wet day to take them to the mailbox! The kids loved mailing their envelopes, and were really excited to tell us when their parents received them!

We then created "Heart Guys" for our Senior friends at Garden View Village. They loved our cute characters! We also were able to check out their amazing "Sweethearts" wall, showcasing pictures from weddings and other special occasions in the lives of our Senior friends. They even had two wedding dresses hanging up there and we were able to touch one!

On Friday, we 
On Friday, we brought Valentine's to school for our friends. Most of us were able to successfully hand out our Valentine's quickly, placing them into the heart envelopes we created. Thank you so much parents for helping us out with simplifying the Valentine's!

We also had Dylan come by to visit us and bring Valentine's! He has been off with a broken leg for a few weeks now and we are really missing him.
We also created really neat heart art that day. We did a great job creating our hearts, cutting them apart and then putting them back together!

We also had K/1 time focused around hearts with a Heart Hunt outside. We had to work with our buddy to find a rainbow of hearts hidden in the snow (a special thank you to the grade 3's for helping me with the hiding!). The kids had a blast!