Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Celebrations galore!

We had an amazing time at Carnaval last Tuesday! We went through 8 different stations (ice sculptures, maple taffy, snow exploration, dog sled rides, hockey, foosball, pictures with Bonhomme and our very favourite, beaver tails and hot chocolate treats). We loved being with our buddy groups and new friends from Lindsay Park for the morning. A very special Thank You to Allison Kostiuk, the grade 2/3 teacher at Lindsay Park who organized this amazing day for us!

Mrs. Keiver telling us about the beaver tail as we ate beaver tails!

The blue group had a lot of fun helping make play dough this week. We decided we wanted purple play dough, but after mixing the red and blue, we discovered the most beautiful speckled play dough! We all had fun helping!

We LOVE birthdays here in Kindergarten, and we had a lot of fun celebrating a pretty cool one this week- three kids born on the same day (our "triplets"). The kids enjoyed the goodies from the newly six year olds!